Gary Jellum
I have been in real estate with The Whitney Land Company for 34 years. During this time I have gained extensive experience with a broad spectrum of real estate functions including listing and sales of residential, commercial, farm, ranch, and timber properties; establishment and operation of real estate investment companies; financing options; tax deferred exchanging of property; residential and commercial development; net leased investments and regional transactions. I have been a lifelong resident of Pendleton, Oregon, where my wife Amy joined me in 1990. I graduated from Oregon State University with a degree in Business Administration, owned a local heavy construction company, and worked in management for a power transmission line builder prior to joining The Whitney Land Company.My experience includes purchasing, selling, and exchanging properties in Oregon, Montana, Colorado, and Wyoming. With this has come a good network of professional contacts in these areas as well as an understanding of the opportunities available. It is my belief that ownership of real estate should be an integral part of a person's or business's investment portfolio. It has been a fulfilling experience to help my clients toward accomplishing their real estate investment goals.
Licensed in the State of Oregon