Mary Earlley | GRI
Mary has been with The Whitney Land Company for over 20 years, licensed for 19, and has found her niche. Being a personal assistant for Jim Whitney has given her years of gaining the one-on-one knowledge he imparts.
- Executive Officer for the Umatilla County Board of Realtors.
- Realtor of the Year designation 2019.
- Graduated Leadership Pendleton.
- A lifetime member of Beta Sigma Phi.
- Previous Camp Fire Leader for 13 years.
- CPI Credit Professional of the Year designation.
Mary was born and raised in Eastern Oregon. She grew up raising small farm animals and hunting with her family. She married a local boy and never wanted to leave. Two daughters, a grandson, and 3 beagles round out her family. All kinds of crafts, rock hunting, and camping keep her busy in her optional life hours.
Licensed in the State of Oregon
Land for Sale by Mary Earlley | GRI
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Del Norte County,
The Smith River is the only undammed river in California. It flows 25 miles from the Klamath Mountain range to the Pacific and is recognized as a Wild and Scenic River. It is a river known for outstanding Salmon and Steelhead fishing. This property i...
150± Acres