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Storie Ranches
The Storie Ranch offers 522 +/- acres located approximately 10 miles southeast of Pendleton, Oregon. The non-contiguous tract is located within the Confederated Tribes of Umatilla Indian Reservation. The property lies at the foothills of the Blue Mountains stretching east, adjacent to I-84. The gently rolling to steep landscape was historically farmed and then part of the Conservation Reserve Program. Currently the majority of the property is range grassland and used for recreation purposes. There is a well drilled on the property with power supplied and multiple outbuildings. Annual springs, high volume vegetation and South Patawa Creek running through the majority of the property attribute to the well-known success for recreational upland bird and big game hunting in the area. The Storie Ranch offers the unique opportunity for rural living, tillable acres, amazing views, and abundant wildlife all just a short distance from Pendleton, Oregon.
Total Acreage: 522.68 +/- Acres
Production Acres: 227.27 +/- Acres
Rangeland acres: 294.41 +/- Acres
Improvements: 1 +/- Acre
Production Acres:
Total Tillable: 227.27+/-
-Including CRP
Total CRP: 222.51+/-
According to the United States Department of Agriculture-Farm Service Agency (FSA), The FSA form 156EZ and FSA mapping indicate the property has 227.27+/- tillable acres. Of the total tillable acres, 222.51+/- tillable acres are enrolled in the Conservation Reserve program.
Tillable cropland acreage is mapped over (2) two non-contiguous parcels-
Tract 1482-191.15 acres
Tract 1485-36.12 acres
According to the Seller, the historical operation consisted of conventional farming practices growing Winter & Spring Wheat throughout the tillable acres. When in production, the Seller talks of historical yields in the 80-90 +/- Bu range with some sections of the tillable acres reaching 100+/- BU average. The property has grown a variety of other crops as well because of the annual rainfall throughout the area.
Copies of FSA 156EZ forms, FSA Maps, and the CRP contract information are available by downloading off our website or by contacting the listing broker.
Soils, Topography, Rainfall:
Based on the Soil Conservation Service's Soil Survey of Umatilla County, the soils are predominantly Gurdane silty clay 7% to 25% Slope. Gurdane silty clay loam 20 to 40 percent slopes are also present within the cropland. Some McKay silt loam, 0 to 7 percent slopes are present as well. The property is mostly rolling topography with some level ground, with elevation varying from 1,770 feet to 2,700 feet. According to the National Weather Service in Pendleton, the average rainfall for the subject area is approximately 16.5" to 22.78" per annum.
A copy of Soil Mapping and further information is available at the Whitney Land Company Office or by asking the listing broker.
Currently, the property is not being grazed by livestock. Based on the information provided from the Natural Resources Conservation Services and the web soil survey, the 294.41 plus-minus acres of rangeland will produce an average of 700-1200 pounds of vegetation per acre with normal year conditions. The vegetation production depends greatly on soil conditions throughout the property.
Portions of the property are fenced. Seller makes no representations as to the condition of the fencing. It is Buyers responsibility to inspect the property and do their due diligence as to condition or quality of the fencing.
The Storie Ranch has some of the best natural topography features that provide excellent habitat for wildlife that utilize the property. The property's water sources, high volume vegetation, and dense cover contribute to the well-known deer and upland bird populations in the area. The ranch is considered to be some of Oregon's best White Tail Deer hunting. The Storie family has had a conservation mindset through the years and has provided great efforts to maintain the habitat for the wildlife being true stewards of the land.
Located in the Ukiah Unit, controlled deer hunts occurring on landowner's registered property are eligible for (2) two Land Owner Preference (LOP) tags.
(Additional rules may apply, as the property is within Confederated Tribes of Umatilla Indian Reservation-see the ODFW Big Game Hunting Regulations book or call the local Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife located in Pendleton, Oregon, at 541-276-2344.)
Upland game birds including pheasants, turkeys, doves and Hungarian partridge frequent the property. According to the owner, there are healthy populations of these birds and hunting has been very successful in the past. (Additional rules may apply, as the property is within Confederated Tribes of Umatilla Indian Reservation-see the ODFW Game Bird Regulations book or call the local Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife located in Pendleton, Oregon, at 541-276-2344.)
The property has an unlogged drilled well with power to it.
Other water sources include South Patawa Creek that runs through the majority of the property and annual springs that produces sufficient water to help aid in wildlife riparian habitat and clean water for livestock in the summer months.
Umatilla Electric provides 3-phase power to the improvements on the subject property.
Shop- An approximate 15'x 25' double sliding door shop is located on the property providing a workplace for equipment. The shop has a concrete floor and is wired with power throughout.
Machinery shed- A (5)-five bay machinery shed allows for machinery to be undercover and out of the weather.
Grain bins- (2) Two-grain storage silos with power and auger system
Hoppers- (2) Two approximate 3,000-5,000+/- BU grain feeder hoppers
Misc. Storage sheds- Two smaller approximate 6'x6' storage sheds are on both sides of the shop.
Phone line- There is a phone line to the property.
2021 Real Property Taxes:$ 1, 737.18
The property is located within the boundaries of the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation and thus falls under the jurisdiction of the CTUIR Land Development Code which was last adopted and amended through Resolution No . 17-054 ( July 24, 2017) The subject is zoned AG-2 which is described in the Land Development Code as Farm Pasture Zone:
The Ag-2, Farm Pasture Zone is designed to maintain the agricultural land base taking into consideration special management practices due to steeper sloped, shallower soils and special wildlife and fish habitats. It is also designed to afford better control over lands where farm and rangelands are interspersed. Foods, herbs, and medicines traditional to the Confederated Tribes are also found in this region making it necessary for the Land Protection Planning Commission or the Board of Trustees to place further restrictions from time to time.
1. There shall be a 79-acre minimum lot size. 2. Land partitions for non-Farm residential uses may be established on generally non-productive agricultural lands upon a finding by the Land Protection Planning Commission that each such use: a) Is compatible with farm uses and is consistent with intent and purposes set forth in the Comprehensive Plan and this Code.
The majority of the property is accessed from South Market Road onto Tias Road, approximately 10 miles Southeast of Pendleton. Tias Road is a county road that ends prior to the property. At the end of Tias Road, a Right-of-Way to the subject property was granted to the Sellers from the BIA (Bureau of Indian Affairs; Buyers to confirm legal access and transfer of Right-of-way within their due diligence period)
Distances to Other Cities:
- Mission, OR-7+/- Miles
- Pendleton, OR- 10+/- Miles
- Walla Walla, WA- 42+/- Miles
- Spokane, WA- 215+/- Miles
- Boise, ID- 220+/- Miles
Identification of Subject Property:
T1N R33 TL 2700- 39.09 Acres
TL 0702- 80.00 Acres
TL 0790- 66.80 Acres
TL 0700- 136.79 Acres
TL 2800- 120.00 Acres
TL 3000- 40.00 Acres
TL 3100- 40.00 Acres
Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation
The Umatilla reservation, Nicht-Yow-Way Country, is the home of the Cayuse, Umatilla and Walla Walla Bands of Native American Indians. When the leaders of the three tribes signed a treaty with the United States in 1855, they ceded 6.4 million acres of homeland in what is now northeastern Oregon and southeastern Washington. The 172,000-acre Umatilla Indian Reservation, almost half of which is owned by non-Indians, includes significant portions of the Umatilla River watershed.
Today the confederation, united under a single tribal government adopted in 1949, numbers over 2,800 members (2011). The Umatilla are governed by a Board of Trustees composed of nine members elected by the General Council. Tribal headquarters are located in Mission, just outside Pendleton, Oregon.
The Umatilla River and Grande Ronde rivers have been the focus of the tribe's fish restoration activities for more than a decade. Under the tribe's leadership, salmon were reintroduced in the Umatilla River in the early 1980s. The tribe, along with the state of Oregon, operates egg-taking, spawning, and other propagation facilities that are helping restore salmon runs. The tribe successfully reintroduced chinook salmon to the Umatilla River after 70 years of extinction.
Other river basins in which the tribe has co-management responsibilities are the Columbia, Snake, Walla Walla, Tucannon, Grande Ronde, John Day, and Imnaha. In recent times, tribal fisheries have occurred only on the Umatilla and Columbia rivers.
Umatilla County:
Umatilla County was created on September 27, 1862, out of a portion of Wasco County. Umatilla is an Indian term meaning "rippling water" or "water rippling over sand" and has provided the name both for the county and its major river. Lewis and Clark and pioneers traveling the Oregon Trail passed through the area. The gold rush of 1862 brought miners and stock raisers to the mountains and grasslands of Umatilla County. The county expanded after the coming of the railroad in 1881 and the area was open to the development of dry land wheat farming. The fertile land of Umatilla County gives a strongly agricultural base to the county's economy. Fruit, grain, timber, cattle, and sheep are important agricultural products. Recreation, primarily in the Blue Mountains, and tourism, most notably for the annual Pendleton Round-Up rodeo, are also important to the local economy.