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Willow Creek Ranch
The Willow Creek Ranch has been historically used by the family as a spring through summer grazing system for livestock. The property is 1,399.96 acres and is located about 40 miles from Vale, Oregon. The rangeland is a mix of Bluebunch Wheatgrass, Idaho Fescue, Sandberg Bluegrass along with a variety of forbs, shrubs and annual grass species. The ranch contains a mixture of both early season grasses along with higher preference grasses like Idaho Fescue. This combination provides for a spring through summer grazing season. The property also contains seasonal drainages. A pond collecting seasonal water is located in the northwest part of the ranch. The remaining parts of the ranch are buttes, rolling uplands and rock outcroppings.
Livestock numbers vary depending on the amount of precipitation. There are no improvements on the ranch other than perimeter fencing and a livestock watering system supplied by a well. Seasonally, Willow Creek provides water typically in the Spring and Fall. The primary source of water is from the Well. The well log indicates it was drilled in 1964. Diameter of 10" to a depth of 272' with a static water level of 256 feet. At the time it tested at 7 g.p.m. The pumping source is submersible which is operated by Solar Panels.
Historically the ranch has ran approximately 40 -45 cows from May/June to October. Actual use numbers vary depending on the amount of precipitation. Period of use is typically late April/May - October. The topography gentle sloping but has areas of rocks and terraces especially near the Northwest corner near Willow Creek. The property is perimeter fenced.